Insecticide, Stress Resistance, and Yield Increase in Jia Co
The year 2020 is an extraordinary year. COVID-19 is coming, and diseases and insect pests are frequent. In particular, wheat is p...

Insecticide, Stress Resistance, and Yield Increase in Zhengy
The year 2020 is an extraordinary year. COVID-19 is coming, and diseases and insect pests are frequent. In particular, wheat is p...

Customer Witness | Red Spider's Unbeatable Rival Has been Fo
Red spider is one of the main pests in southern citrus production areas. Due to its small size, fast reproduction, strong adaptab...

The Leaf Roller Cannot be Killed. Don't be Afraid, Just Use
This year, the rice leaf roller is coming fiercely, with ordinary leaf rollers mixed with the more resistant golden leaf roller, ...

Don't be Afraid if the Curly Leaf Beetles Come. Just Let Us
Leaf roller, commonly known as the rice leaf roller by farmers. Rice that is affected by it often curls its leaves, so it is ofte...
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